Sunday, March 17, 2013

Tips on planting and caring for bonsai plants

Tips on planting and caring for bonsai plants - Plants bonsai is an art of living because it takes effort and thought to make a beautiful and perfect bonsai. here are few tips on caring for and planting bonsai:

Stages of planting bonsai plants:

Prepare the planting or pot, pots used must have a hole in the bottom so water can leak out the rest of watering so that the soil is not washed the hole should be closed with wire netting or gravel. only then pot filled with soil.

Move the plants into pots, to move the plants into pots should be done carefully and quickly, firstly Splashing the soil around the plant with water so as to keep the plant roots remain attached to the soil, keep the soil and take still attached to the plant root crops stelah taken dispose of some land attached to the roots but not to damage the roots of plants. pieces and dispose of the old roots of the dead and put the plant into the new pot set up absolutely perfect position.

Maintenance of bonsai, bonsai plants after planting into pots bonsai should be protected from the sun rain and wind, soil moisture in the pot should also be taken not to dry the soil in the pot. Giving sun made approximately two weeks after the plants are planted, the first phase of delivery sufficient sunlight 1-3 hours and then gradually be extended.

Pruning, is a way how to transform and shape bonsai plant by cutting branches that are less good. Pruning is done on the base of the branch to prevent drying on the remaining branches. Pruning is also done to mengendelikan branches growing too fast.

Wiring, the way this is done to change the direction of growth of the stem or branch usually done to stem that are not old because it is still easy to shape. initial implementation wire attached to the base of the stem and then wire looped around the rod upward so as to resemble a spiral, trunks or branches can be in the form as required.

Trimming, leaf growth that is too thick will also ruin the beauty of the composition and bonsai plants pruning way it should be done by plucking a few leaves that are not in accordance with the desired composition.

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